I am dedicated to promoting innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning from everyone I meet. Please explore my work below and feel free to reach out!
Hello! My name is Andrew, and I am a passionate Computer Science and Engineering student at Santa Clara University. I thrive in collaborative environments and am always eager to learn new skills. As a firm believer in lifelong learning, I am excited to gain insights from diverse perspectives and experiences.
In my spare time, I'll be found hiking vast lands, lost in a book, brewing savory coffee, or searching for hidden indie music.
What I'm currently
jamming out to 🕺
(Made with AWS & Spotify API)
Currently not listening to anything
so here's a pic of my dog <3
Your Pitch
Won 3rd place in SCU ACM Winter Challenge 2022. Developed daily-curated music mobile app with custom Spotify Web API Wrapper and OAuth 2.0 PKCE Flow
Mobile App
OAuth 2.0
API Wrapper
Learning Py
Developed curriculum for novice programmers on Python and its applications through an informational website.
SCU HCI Lab, Software Developer
Jan 2023 - Present
Created custom data analysis tools with Python and Pandas in a collaborative Jupyter environment to investigate redesigning screen time management tools for digital wellbeing. Developed iOS app in Swift to be used to deploy for live research study utilizing iOS screen time APIs. Collaborated and led a team of 6 through Agile system on Monday.com and Trello
SCU ACM, President
Oct 2022 - Present
Managed and ran 3 student-run hackathons (Hack for Humanity, INRIX Hack, and Roblox Hack) with 300+ participants each to give students valuable industry skills and opportunities. Instructed technical workshops on Python/Flask, Fullstack development, personal projects, and OpenAI to 200+ students to teach importance of going beyond academia
SCU Video Game Design Club, Vice President
Dec 2022 - Present
Oversaw all technologies including GitHub (git project manager), Unity (C#), and web design in a collaborative space to encourage leadership and innovation. Awarded Santa Clara University’s Provisional Student Organization of the Year for fostering a creative space for expression for an interdisciplinary community of 125+ members
NexStream Technical Education, Technical Project Manager
Aug 2021 - Dec 2021
Coordinated team of students to create online virtual classroom web app (HTML, Unity, Linux virtual machines) to engage and connect students during the pandemic academically. Managed project vision, delegated tasks through a Scrum model, and handled documentation to keep team productive and meet milestones
Hand crafted from Nuxt (Vue.js), CSS, and love!
©2024 by Andrew Collins